Ask meme drabble written for this challenge. Prompt: The Killers, Midnight Show.
More superheroes prequel. Pete and Patrick meet and it's a little bit of a disaster, if one with a future. About 3,800 words.
What is love, listeners? What is it about the nature of love that makes the threat of harm so integral to its existence? If we were to pry open the human heart from its delicate cage and carefully carve into it with a scalpel, we would find no evidence of love.
Listeners, I have just received word that our new visitor—you know, the British one, with his soul unwillingly tethered to a non-euclidean facet of what we perceive to be human terror—is listening to our show!
A podfic of "Pack Mentality"
Five lone wolves do not make a pack. Unless they do.
Mary’s usual expression of placid calm slipped for a moment before she responded with a twinkle in her eye. “I could possess advanced technology from an alien planet.”
Cycles of love and loss and understanding.
"Don't slouch, Maxine, it makes you look common," says Barbara.
Balls and chains are for pens at the bank, and he's never seen a pen that looked like it could survive a level three nuclear holocaust.
Work: Pack Mentality [podfic] by
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Lovely Leverage "team as family" vibes podfic