Old (2012-ish!) fanart of Anders Dragonage from my fic Rabbit Heart. Technically unfinished… just like the fic!

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Fantasy mage dude in dark robes, with a long face and chin-length, dirty-blond hair in a half ponytail. He is looking pensively to the right, one hand raise and starting to bubble teal light. Both arms are wrapped in bandages, with bloodstains visible. The man casts a nonhuman shadow, that does not match his body.

  • unspeakablehorror

    Updated: 02 Sep 2023
    Just testing commenting on your lovely artwork!
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      • unspeakablehorror

        Updated: 02 Sep 2023
        Just testing a reply to a comment on your lovely artwork!
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          • o

            Updated: 02 Sep 2023
            It worked!
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