Gabrielle and Marten in Debaria.
Ava has never seen so many women in her life.
In a dead man's house, they are in a room full of dead women's brains.
Ask meme drabble written for this challenge. Prompt: Queen Adreena, Bridgit.
Ask meme drabble written for this challenge. Prompt: Kate Bush, a deal with God.
Young Richard looks too deeply into the workings of chance.
Sui Zhou knows he has lost the latest ambush of attrition when he finds Tang Fan watching a playlist of rotating sandwiches he's screen shared to their television.
"Sui Zhou?" he calls out from the hall. "Are you home?" Even if he can see his dependable black workboots set in the rack by the door, well-worn soles beginning to peel back from the toes, well, who could be sure? These are extenuatingly unordinary circumstances, after all.
The woman who will be Lady Jane and the man who will be her husband, Christmas 1826.
Wherever you go, there you are.
(Written for cygnes and the prompt: "driving for many hours through mountains.")
Work: Pack Mentality [podfic] by
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Lovely Leverage "team as family" vibes podfic