“Dong jie fights well as always,” Mu Nihuang said, smiling. “It’s been a while since we’ve sparred; perhaps you can give me a match, as well?”
Xia Dong had had her own year of mourning. She had tried to comfort herself with the knowledge that Nie Feng had died a hero, had given his life to prevent a rebellion, and had succeeded. All things being equal, though, she’d rather her husband were alive.
Xia Dong realized the silence had dragged on too long. The smile on Mu Nihuang’s face was slipping. Xia Dong found her own smile somewhere and gave Mu Nihuang a challenging bow. “I would be honored to spar with the princess,” she said. “Let us see if you have kept up your training, stuck in the south as you were.”
Galen Erso’s work team has been out of communication on a desolate planet for three days. Orson Krennic wants to get him back. He wants Lyra Erso to help him do it.
In Gaul, Antony makes a lucky escape; Caesar comes to his bedside to offer a commendation.
New clothes, and other marks of ownership.
Jan fucks Sander with Glory's End.
Gibson surveys the evidence of his recreational activities as he readies himself to serve.
Larry makes friends in the music industry.
In the Eastar'd Barony, all in the long-ago, there was a miller, a farm, and a boy. There was a mill, too, until there wasn't.