Back then, all the boys his age had hero-worshipped costumed vigilantes. Jack supposes they still do.
Will dreams. It's complicated.
Paul and Julian fake a breakup, take their payoff money, and run. The problem with running is that you're there wherever you go.
“Now, I know you don’t like it when I lie to you, Marty, and as I’ve been thinking it occurs to me I’ve said some shit that wasn’t exactly true.”
Aaron Stampler gets a visit.
Will Graham is very, very tired.
Visiting hours: Aaron slips forward to the edge of his chair, and Martin puts out a hand to steady him, like he’s gentling an unpredictable animal.
The mask comes off, and Finney leaves the basement behind. He's still not free.
Harrow's always trying to get Steven on his own, even after death.
Finney gets cat ears at the worst possible time. Something to do with cause and effect.