
By skazka


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(For the prompt "you and your elk", construed expansively to include other ungulates. This fic is set during s1, where the stag of Will's nightmares is still very much a stag-stag and not a dude-stag -- there's some unseemly physical contact, but it's very TV-14.)

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 48790624.

The smell of it is like burning paper, wildfire smoke, benzene. Warm breath on his face, and a deep resonant grumble of sound that rattles Will’s teeth — he can feel the fever-heat of its body as it dabs at the air with a black and shining tongue. Will’s as naked as Cassie Boyle in death, bent backward to receive the stag’s scrutiny — his knees spread, his soft cock adhering to his thigh with all the dignity of a garden snail.

Its head is lowered, smooth black tines spreading out above them. The sound the beast makes is like a junior cellist doing warm-ups on the body of Douglas Wilson — raw and harsh with the shrillness of rending metal. Nothing like that, embedded in dead flesh, should have been capable of sounding a note. A scene from a killer’s dream, and not from reality.

Will reaches up and takes in his hand a fistful of mud-crusted feathers. The black stag’s hide is algae-streaked and muddy, like something dislodged from the primal depths. In rutting season, male elk get haggard — too much energy expended sparring with their rivals and mounting anything that’ll hold still. Will can feel the bones beneath the skin.