Galen Erso’s work team has been out of communication on a desolate planet for three days. Orson Krennic wants to get him back. He wants Lyra Erso to help him do it.
Gibson sees to the needs of the officers. In this case, Irving is definitely in need.
Bob Benson is a problem-solver. It's 45 minutes before the SCDP Christmas party and Pete has a pretty big problem.
The caulker's mate on Terror is pressed into service for a more personal problem of its Captain's.
He is not in his body. He is not of his body at all.
At the blade—or claw—of an enemy is the only way Liu Qingge has ever imagined he will die, and though it would obviously be preferable for it to happen after thousands of years of immortal mastery, he would settle for thirtyish if it was epic.
There is nothing less epic than being spared by Luo Binghe, except for being spared by Luo Binghe every day for the past two and a half years.
Rey fights, pines, defeats some bad guys, pines some more, gets sex pollened, acquires parents, defeats some more bad guys, and lives. Especially the last bit.