There's got to be a way to bring back Wen Ning's consciousness, Wei Wuxian knows, and if he can't do it himself, then maybe Lan Wangji can help. Unfortunately for Lan Wangji and his suffering heart, he would do nearly anything for Wei Wuxian. Wen Ning did not get a say, because that's the root of the whole problem.
Paul and Julian fake a breakup, take their payoff money, and run. The problem with running is that you're there wherever you go.
Edward receives an education in the inutility of virtue. The Earl abducts him for a session of discipline.
Paul and Julian spend the morning together.
Scott's noticed some things during his time with the Geckos. Is now the right time to bring it up? Probably not.
An alleyway encounter between long-lost lovers on opposite sides of the war.
(For the Star Wars Rare Ships Challenge over on Pillowfort!)
Young Henry knows he's playing with fire.