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Jiang Cheng takes a dagger meant for Nie Huaisang. In the rapidly ensuing aftermath, bleeding out in the middle of the Unclean Realm becomes the very least of his concerns.

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Spring comes, and Nie Huaisang is seen with his sabre for the first time since— anyone's guess as to when.

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“If there is anything else that can be said of Qinghe Nie,” Lan Xichen recites, helplessly faint, “it is that we take our weddings and our burials very seriously—”

“—For they are, to us, one and the same,” Nie Huaisang finishes for him. “You do remember.”

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The hot springs were deep enough here that the water lapped at Lan Jingyi's thighs. He couldn't see much of the man in front of him except that his hair was tied up and he'd been taller than Lan Jingyi before he got on his knees. To suck Lan Jingyi's dick. Because Lan Jingyi was having anonymous sex in the gay hot springs in Qinghe and getting his dick sucked by a stranger.

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How Jiang Wanyin avoided being blacklisted by matchmakers - gekidasa by soph_sol

Work: How Jiang Wanyin avoided being blacklisted by matchmakers by

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An explosive misunderstanding leaves Jiang Cheng assuming he's escaped matchmakers forever and Yu Ziyuan assuming she can solve her son's singleness with the right young man. Only one of them can be right. But what will Jiang Cheng do when the last name on the matchmakers' new list is his friend, Nie Huaisang?

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