Author summary from susiecarter:
Caution: handle with care. The unexpected and unlooked-for (but not, in the end, unwelcome) complexities of banging Clark Kent.
Duration 0:37:23
Podfic of Packing Nonstandard Equipment by susiecarter.
Cover image by frecklebombfic
Music used is Two Weeks performed by FKA Twigs.
Duration: 0:37:23 (incl. music & brief outtakes)
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Thank you so much to susiecarter for giving blanket permission to make podfic in their permission statement! I'm an enormous a fan of their writing, and it's just such a pleasure to have free choice of all their fantastic superbat fic to record whenever the mood takes me! Also, a big thanks to growlery and girlmarauders for the music selection and general editing support.
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This is another podfic that I didn't finish for the ITPE deadline because I'd second-guessed my choice of fic! I messaged Arioch after the new year to check in with them about the specifics, and got the go-ahead, so here it is! Consentacles with squishy feelings, superbat-style! I'm a huge fan of this fic, and so happy to be able to record it. Extra happy to be able to gift it to Arioch ♥️
I'm excited for a lot of things about this podfic!! Getting to use this spectacularly sexy yet still romantic FKA Twigs song! Recording my first Bruce/Clark podfic (hopefully of many)! Getting to record Bruce POV, which was delightful! Making a fun easter-egg out of the cover image (sea anemones were my instant mental image when I first read this fic), and also getting to use underwater photography, which I will do at the smallest opportunity. Adding another weird sex fic to my catalog. A good time, all in all :D