Author summary from thingswithwings:
T'Challa – King T'Challa of Wakanda, the Black Panther, Guy Who Dresses Up Like a Cat to Fight Crime or Possibly for Other Reasons, Who the Fuck Knows – T'Challa corners Sam during one of their visits to check in on Bucky and says, in a mild voice that should not sound as threatening as it does, "We need to talk."

"We do, huh," Sam says, looking him up and down. He's just a king and a superhero and a genius inventor and possibly the richest man alive, looking way too fine and wearing the hell out of a tailored three-piece suit; Sam can hold his own against this guy.

Duration 02:10:48

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Cover art by annapods
(click for full-size)

Duration 02:10:48, file size 60mb

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M4B file: Direct download or Mediafire

Thank you enormously to thingwithwings for having a transformative works statement that covers podfic, and for writing this fantastic story! I recorded this last summer when I was doing a lot of live recordings for an audience over discord, so big thanks to the listeners who were along with me for the ride, listening to me crack up at the jokes and all.

I've loved this story for a long time, and it's a treat to be able to share it this way, although my pace of editing is extremely slow at the moment. I hope listening to it will be a treat for some other people, too.

Please be generous with your kudos and comments. I treasure every notification email I get ♥️ If you feel up to sharing where you were/what you were doing while you listened, or any feelings you felt, then you will immediately become one of my favourite people ♥️♥️

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