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Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 44291338.

Also available on youtube.

Song: Chimano vocals of Midnight Train. Midnight Train is originally a song performed by all the members of Sauti Sol; the original version is jazzy and fun and has great harmonies and I really recommend it. The version I vidded is the acoustic version of Chimano's part of the harmony by itself, with backing instruments from other members of Sauti Sol.

The first verse is in Swahili, so there are two versions of the subtitles, one with the original and one with the translation.

Willis Chimano came out as gay about a year ago, and if you want to check out fab Kenyan queer fashion you should swing by his insta.

Content notes: Kena and Ziki's relationship is interrupted by discovery from neighbors and they are taken to the police station. There's no explicit violence in this vid, but it is implied in the shots in the police station.

Download: Midnight Train on mediafire
Subtitles: Midnight Train (kiswahili and english) subtitles on mediafire or Midnight Train (english translation) subtitles on mediafire