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Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 28993374.

Download link: 263 MB on mediafire or 143 MB on mediafire
Subtitle download links: Original (Runasimi and Spanish) or English

Song: Tijeras by Renata Flores

Renata Flores wrote this song as a protest against femicides; the lyrics are in Runasimi and Spanish. It's about women speaking up, being resilient, and coming together to work against injustice. You can read more about Renata Flores at Renata Flores & Her Music Are An Act of Indigenous Resistance. Her first album is coming out soon!

The English translation is by me, via the Spanish translation that is included in this article: Renata Flores canta contra los feminicidios a ritmo de danza de Tijeras and with the assistance of a Runasimi dictionary when the Spanish was ambiguous.

English translation (also available as subtitles):
No one sees anything
I can't speak, I want to speak
The people are so loud
No one hears what I'm saying
So I say: I will scream

Listen and I'll tell you
Listen and I'll tell you

I see, standing up in the dark
I see the light, then I listen
"Follow," it says
No one sees
I can't do anything
I want to speak
The people are so loud
No one hears what I'm saying
So I say: I will scream with all my strength

No one sees anything
I can't speak, I want to speak
The people are so loud
No one hears what I'm saying
So I say: I will scream

Maybe I'll scream in a beautiful song
And then people will listen
I see with sorrow, so much pain
Deceitful people
Don't do good things
We gave them the power
Buying flowers?

Listen and I'll tell you
Listen and I'll tell you

Don't be afraid to speak
Don't be afraid to speak

See me
I'm stronger now
See me
I'm no longer afraid
Finally I have hope

Women, let's unite.