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Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 28991676.

Bird, cicada, frog, and background rainforest noises are from BBC Sound Effects, because they index their sounds by location and habitat. Bird species include amazon kingfisher, russet-backed oropendola, yellow-rumped cacique, screaming piha, plumbeous pigeon, as well as some mixed flocks.

Sound effects including heartbeat, breathing, chainsaw, volcano, fire, and rain are from Motion Array.

Most footage is from Frontera Verde, but the fern overlay and passiflora overlay are both stock time lapse footage.

Thanks to bironic's prompt "Could a person pull off a vid from the point of view of the jungle?" which got me thinking about whether it was possible given the limited footage from the show!

Download: 165 MB on mediafire or 90 MB on mediafire