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Izuku believes that if he goes off on his own Shigeraki will leave his friends be so he devises a plan to save them all. But Katsuki intervenes and tells him why that's a bad idea.

When shit hits the fan you are supposed to turn tail and run before the bad starts to get worse. Though in Izuku's case he wanted to disappear before disaster even struck. Shigeraki had been struck down but who knows how long that would even last?


He didn't want anyone else to get caught in the crossfire. This was between him, Shigeraki and apparently All For One as well since he decided to intervene at the last moment. No one knew how bad it was except for Izuku.


So after getting out of the hospital he began to plan and get everything in place. He had just finished writing letters to everyone explaining his situation. And yes, even explaining his power and why Shigeraki was so hell bent on coming after him.


They needed to stay out of the vast area of limelight that had been created. Since Shigeraki could use search. And so, with letters in his hand he went to open the door of his dorm room.


Only for it to be blasted inwards with Katsuki on the other side of it. "Going somewhere nerd?"




"You think running away is going to solve all your problems. Is that it?"


"How did you know?" He asked. Only for Katsuki to gaze at him like he was stupid.


"You idiot. We've known each other since we were brats. You think I don't notice when you plan a stupid stunt or won't tell anyone squat because you start distancing yourself, cry harder and completely stop muttering. Like the time with Overhaul."


"Kacchan that was different. Back then I was ordered to keep the Eri rescue a secret."


"Yeah and look what it did to you the entire time. Everyone was worried sick. They wouldn't stop talking about it. You could have come to me. Just like I did when I broke down during our fight. Or don't you remember?"


"Of course I do, but Kacchan. Those are the kind of things that friends do for one another. And I didn't..." Izuku stopped.


"I'm not a very friendly person, yeah I know. Years of living up in a screwed up household with parents that treat me like scum is a really fucked up excuse to use for my devilish behavior. But you know what my mom was like. Dorm life was my saving grace. It gave me an out and ever since then I've been trying to retrace my steps. Though the more I look at it the harder it is for me to look at myself and call me redeemable."


Izuku listened wondering if he was saying what he thought he was or if he was just trying to put the words there himself. "Kacchan. What exactly is it that you're trying to say?"


"Actions speak louder than words. Except in my case my actions were hurtful and could have got you killed. There's no way to take it back or mend the bridges that I've burnt so I just have to sit here and drown in my anguish while I work on being the best at being a better person. At being a better friend. Because you deserve that Izuku."


Izuku almost said something, but the moment he had caught the fact that Katsuki had just used his real name instead of an insult gave him pause. "What...what did you just call me Kacchan?"




Izuku couldn't help the fact that he leaked tears of joy while also going in for a hug. He was quite surprised Kacchan didn't stop him. He heard him chuckle and proceeded to rest his chin on Izuku's cranium while holding him around the middle. Thanks Kacchan."


"Don't leave Izuku. Let the adults try and handle this before going awol. They've got a plan up their sleeve but in order to do it you need to be here."


"I don't want anyone to get hurt."


"If they didn't want to get hurt they wouldn't have gone to the hero course dummy." Katsuki said making Izuku giggle.


"We're all going to get hurt Midoriya. We're prepared to face whatever challenges come our way." Iida said. Izuku turned his head to realize the whole student body of class 1A was at his door.


"You guys mean it?" Izuku asked. "You want me to stay?"


"Heck yeah." Kaminari spoke up. They all proceeded to squish together and give Izuku a great big bear hug.


"As Bakugo said let us adults do the work. It's not hopeless as long as we try okay problem child?"


"Okay." Izuku smiled up at Aizawa.


"Alright enough with the hugging!" Katsuki yelled. "Everybody off!"


"You know you love it! Don't be a grumpy gus." Mina said smirking up at him. "The sooner you give in the faster we'll go away."


"I'm not hugging anyone else" Katsuki folded his hands and looked away. He was then smooshed under the rest of his class with an unhappy frown on his face. "I'm going to kill you."


"Yeah yeah. We know. We've heard it all before." Sero chuckled. "You're bites not as threatening as your bark."




Izuku was happy that Kacchan intervened that day. Who knows how things would have turned out if he hadn't.