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This fic is an art trade for the lovely oolrie! Check out their art here!

“N-No. Absolutely not.” Masahiro forced himself to turn away on the bed, crossing his arms across his chest. 


Kousuke didn’t say anything for a moment but shifted a bit closer on the bed, the handcuffs clinking and revealing his movements. This won’t do. “They wouldn’t be on you.”


The admission got Masahiro to look back at him, and Kousuke knew he had him right where he wanted him. In a show of honesty, he took one of the cuffs and laid it over his wrist. He didn’t latch it though, watching Masahiro’s face. 


Masahiro looked like he was seconds from fainting, eyes wide and cheeks adorably red. His breathing sounded shallow and he couldn’t stop looking between the half-done cuff and Kousuke’s face. He tried to school his features so his excitement and eagerness didn’t bleed through. “I promise it won’t hurt.” He scrambled for the key and held it up for Masahiro’s easy viewing once located. “And here’s the key!”


Masahiro snatched the key rather quickly, surprising Kousuke. Rather than inspect it or anything like that, Masahiro placed the key on their nightstand. “For safe keeping,” he muttered, blush spreading to his neck and beneath his collar. Kousuke wanted to trace it with his tongue. 


“So…” Kousuke drew out the word, offering a small, calming smile. 


Finally, Masahiro nodded; a small, hesitant one, but a nod nonetheless. Kousuke quickly latches the one cuff and looks at Masahiro under his lashes. It won’t work if he’s the one doing all the work. But, thankfully Masahiro doesn’t hesitate to secure the other cuff around his other wrist. The cool metal went toward quieting his some of errant thoughts. Grounded him in a way he vowed he would try to explain to Masahiro later. But for now…


“W-W-What next?” Masahiro asked, sounding somewhat calmer, but also breathier. 


“I’m gonna lay down,” Kousuke said, doing so slowly, not breaking eye contact with Masahiro for even a second. As if tethered together, Masahiro leaned down to follow Kousuke’s recline. It brought their faces just inches away from each other. Masahiro’s eyes started to dart from his lips and back to his eyes. Kousuke tried not to smirk. 


Kousuke pushed up and their lips met in a firm press of skin on skin. Masahiro’s wide eyes shut and he leaned into the kiss. Kousuke kept his eyes open even as the kiss deepened, delighting in how a flush slowly overcame Masahiro’s face and how adorable he looked with his eyebrows pinched in concentration. When Kousuke pulled away, Masahiro’s eyes and lips were shining from their short but heated kiss. Almost there… 


Kousuke leaned back down on his back and put his handcuffed hands above his head. He forced himself to give Masahiro a demure look. “Please be gentle.”


The words acted as an electric current, shocking Masahiro’s system. The result was Masahiro slowly leaning down so that his lips met Kousuke’s collarbone. He kissed his way up to Kousuke’s mouth and left a quick, chaste kiss. “Okay.”


Clothes were quickly removed until Masahiro’s left in his boxer briefs and Kousuke’s completely nude. Masahiro started with Kousuke’s nipples. The right was more sensitive than the left and Masahiro exploited this fact, nipping and lapping at the flesh until it’s a stiff nub. Next he mouthed his way down Kousuke’s body, sticking his tongue in his bellybutton, before settling below his erection.


Kousuke could feel Masahiro’s heavy breaths over his balls and taint, and he felt his asshole flutter in anticipation. Masahiro was a generous lover when it came to oral, and Kousuke could already feel his mind turning to cotton.


The first lick made him jolt because it started at his asshole and licked up to the tip in one go. Masahiro splayed a hand over his lower abdomen to keep him from moving his hips as he did it again. Kousuke let out a breathy sigh.


Masahiro took Kousuke’s head in his mouth and sucked hard. 


Fuuuck!” Kousuke moaned loudly, and Masahiro took him deeper. 


He didn’t stop sucking until the tip of Kousuke’s dick hit the back of Masahiro’s throat. He hallowed his cheeks and hummed so that Kousuke felt the vibration. Kousuke’s hands fell into Masahiro’s hair and gripped hard when Masahiro’s finger brushed across his entrance. He kept circling the puckered flesh there as he bobbed his head up and down. All Kousuke could feel was warm, wet heat and the slight bite from the cuffs. 


When Masahiro swipes his tongue across his leaking slit, Kousuke’s done for; he cums hard, body going impossibly still for a second before shuddering, legs twitching around Masahiro’s head. Masahiro works him through the orgasm, sucking (and swallowing) him dry. He finally came down from the high to look down at Masahiro and as expected, his face was a mess of tears and snot. But his eyes held heat. Kousuke knew what he was waiting for. 


“You were gentle; good job.”


If you enjoyed this fic I am currently holding art trades! You can find my guidelines and such for working with me here! Thank you for readinga and I hope a few of you leave comments 💕



  • Anonymous

    Updated: 27 Aug 2023
    AAAAAHHH I loved it a lot ;-; I like that Masahiro needs guidance on his way to topping hhh it's just how I like it... And I love love love the little details in the smut, like the nipples and the licks ;7; Thank you infinitely for writing this for me 💖 I need Kousuke in cuffs...
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      • alula_fujotings

        Updated: 27 Aug 2023
        I'm so glad this fic turned out the way you wanted and hit all your buttons hehehehe🙈 maybe do some sketchies of him in handcuffs😳👀 ~A
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