Set in an AU where Ghirahim rises from the lowly Fool of the Demon King Releris to the ruler of all the Lower Realms. But as the demon lord tries to destroy the Seal and take the sunlit lands of the surface for the demons, he encounters resistance...

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A/N: The Legend of Zelda and all related characters are copyright Nintendo.

And now, here we go-first chapter on the Surface!

Chapter  3 : Negotiations

"Isn't it amazing?" Ghirahim said. He was laying in the grass, hands propped behind his head, staring at the sun. The delicious, delicious sun. According to the texts he had read, most surface creatures who attempted this would blind themselves. Demon eyes were not harmed by the intense light of the sun, however, and Ghirahim had been enjoying this past-time for the last two hours. The end have fought solong for is finally in sight...

Orynx stood next to the demon lord, watching the surroundings with rapidly shifting eyes. "I can barely contain my happiness." He roared at a few songbirds that had settled near Ghirahim, and they fluttered away.

"Do you want to know an interesting fact, Orynx? The Shard of Truth doesn't distinguish between sarcasm and a lie. Very nit-picky of it, don't you think?" Ghirahim plucked a violet from the ground and admired it.

Orynx turned his attention to the guard running toward them. Ferrik came to a halt in front of them, breathing heavily, and bowed to Ghirahim. "My lord, I have news. The Sheikah contingent gave up trying to penetrate the shield you placed over the Sealed Grounds and have retreated to the temple at the top of the pit."

Ghirahim frowned and dropped the flower. "That's unfortunate."

Ferrik looked confused, and Orynx tensed.

"But is this not good news, my lord? Perhaps they've given up."

The demon lord levered himself off the ground, brushing grass and leaves off himself as he stood. "And perhaps we are all songbirds who only think we are demons," Ghirahim sighed. "More likely they're summoning reinforcements. I doubt we will have long to savor their absence." He began walking in the direction Ferrik had come from. Orynx moved in front of him.

"My lord, I'll remind you that you are not yet fully acclimated to the surface," Orynx said. "You cannot be fighting any battles during the day." Orynx gave Ghirahim a harsh glare, baring his teeth.

"Your concern is touching, Orynx," the demon lord said. "However, I can assure you that I am perfectly fine, no matter what you may think. It is necessary that I-"

"-go pick some more flowers," Orynx finished. He put his hand over Ferrik's mouth when the other guard gave him a look of outrage.

Ghirahim blinked a few times, his train of thought suddenly derailed. He put a hand on his chin and considered the statement. " Yes, of course." He gave Orynx a wide smile. "Thank you for reminding me." He turned around and surveyed the green forest for the small colorful plants. His attention on his new task, he ignored the unimportant sounds behind him.

"When our lord realizes how you have been treating him, he will-" Ferrik growled.

"-plan some suitably humiliating prank as vengeance," Orynx said. "And then he will thank me from the bottom of his heart for not letting him go to his death. Our lord is very sensible like that."

Ferrik's hand rested on the pommel of his gleaming crimson broadsword. "You are such an untrustworthy worm. Do not think no one watches your actions."

Orynx rolled his eyes. Not this again."You wound me with your accusations. I'll remind you that Lord Ghirahim can sense any and all dishonesty. If I meant him any harm, he would know."

"Perhaps not, if you are that old, clever worm who has served three rulers," Ferrik growled, baring his fangs. The slender red demon didn't draw his sword, but looked as if he were barely restraining himself from doing so. "The same one who brought Releris to power. Or did you think I wouldn't notice your name in the old guards' records?"

Orynx gave a low whistle. "You've read those dusty tomes?" The older demon gave a mock bow. "You have my admiration for your extreme tolerance to mind-numbing boredom." So it's more than just his usual complaints. He thinks he's found something he can use to get rid of me. How little he understands.

"I know all about you."

Orynx shook his head. "Ferrik, as annoying as your accusations are, I'd like you to last longer than the last replacement we had. So I'm going to give you some advice." He placed his hand on Ferrik's shoulder and dug his claws through the chainmail. Ferrik hissed and drew his sword.

Orynx drew the Unbreakable Sword. The jagged black blade hovered directly in front of Ferrik's nose. The red demon's gaze shifted to the sword, glaring at it angrily.

"If you think someone is a traitor," Orynx began, "they should by no means be informed that you think this. Not firstly, not secondly, not even lastly. If you really feel the overwhelming need to telegraph your intentions to them, it is preferable to wait until you can speak to their safely decapitated head." He removed his hand from Ferrik's shoulder and stepped back, lowering his sword.

"How kind of you to be so helpful, oh wise one," Ferrik sneered. "But don't think I can't take you. You know nothing about me."

Orynx sighed. "We are wasting valuable time. Lord Ghirahim was worried that the Sheikahs planned to return with reinforcements, and I fear that he guessed the situation correctly."

Ferrik's expression changed to one of concern. "Then we need his help to reinforce the shield-"

"No. We should go ask the sorcerers he brought to reinforce it."

"Lord Ghirahim is the most powerful of the sorcerers we have," Ferrik said. "He created the shield. He is the one who should reinforce the shield. I believe that was what he intended to do before you so rudely interrupted him."

"When it is night again, he can reinforce it all he wishes," Orynx said. "For now, you should go and gather the other sorcerers-"

Ferrik gave a short laugh. "I don't take orders from you, worm."

Orynx growled in frustration. "So you plan to stand there and do nothing?"

Ferrik crossed his arms. "Of course not." He turned to walk towards Ghirahim.

"He's in no condition to be in a war zone, no matter how well-shielded it is!" Orynx growled. "Surely even you can see that!"

Ferrik turned his head to glare one eye at Orynx. "Of course I can. But there is a simple solution to that. Truly, right now you are acting as thick as you appear to be." He walked over to face Ghirahim and bowed on one knee, a position which brought him almost level with the also-kneeling demon lord's face. His expression earnest, he spoke. "My lord?"

Ghirahim looked up at him, smiling cheerfully. "Ah, Ferrik. Did you come to collect flowers?"

"No, my lord."

Ghirahim raised an eyebrow. "Bugs, then?"

"My lord, could you make it rain?" Ferrik asked.

Ghirahim smiled again. "Of course!" He snapped his fingers and the wind shrieked and blew around them and dark clouds piled into the sky. Lightning crackled, thunder boomed, and the rain tumbled down on them.

Orynx grimaced at the water pattering onto his face.

Ghirahim's expression suddenly sharpened and he gave Ferrik a fanged smile. "It seems you have requested a shower for all of us, Ferrik. I must protest that I did not yet require one, and express dismay at what it is doing to my hair." He snapped again, and the rain ceased, though the thick clouds remained.

"Still, good thinking." Ghirahim stood up, still holding his bouquet.

Ferrik also stood. "Thank you, my lord." He shot Orynx a glare.

Ghirahim looked up at the sky regretfully. "Oh, sunlight. I miss you already." He looked between Orynx and Ferrik, who were glaring daggers at each other. Ghirahim was disappointed that he had missed whatever had transpired. This is probably the closest I've been to actually overhearing them threaten each other. I'll have to find out what happened later, though. Priorities.

"What are we waiting for?" Ghirahim said. "I believe you mentioned the Sheikahs have retreated, Ferrik? We should take this opportunity to reinforce our shield."

Ferrik gave Orynx a smug smile before facing Ghirahim. "Of course, my lord. Let me lead you to the Sealed Grounds."

"Thank you, Ferrik,Ghirahim said. As he walked by Orynx, he held out the bouquet of flowers for him. "Do hold onto these for me—I put a lot of work into that composition."

Orynx took the flowers, saying nothing.

Ghirahim followed Ferrik as they wound through the area called Faron Woods. He had no idea how to find the Sealed Grounds from here, as he hadn't exactly been making maps of the place for the past few days. He was sure he could get one from one of the soldiers, though. I need to start learning where everything is in this realm now. I supposethis all belongs to me?If can find Hylia, that is. Otherwise the Sheikahs will slaughter us.

Ghirahim took note of the different types of plants and animals he saw. So far, none had seemed in any way threatening or hostile. Certainly contrast to the creatures who dwell in the lower realms.

"We're here, my lord," Ferrik said after some time. Ghirahim looked at the familiar scene before him. The large pit which represented both their freedom and their confinement lay before him. On the other side, towering defiantly over the shimmering shield covering the pit was the Sheikahs' temple.

"Do you require any supplies, my lord," Ferrik asked.

Ghirahim gave him a small smile. "I could use a comb."

"Anything else, my lord?" Ferrik asked.

The demon lord shook his head. "No. This spell does not use anything from the physical realm."

"I'll return shortly, then." Ferrik ran off, running through the shield.

Ghirahim noticed that Orynx watched intently as the other guard entered the demon's camp in the sealed grounds.

"He's not completely hopeless," Orynx said.

"Such effusive words of approval!" Ghirahim responded. "I can tell you are becoming fast friends!" He lifted his hands and began chanting the spell to reinforce the shield. He admired the structures they had set up in the pit. Watchtowers and small wooden buildings covered the ground, along with tents. Hundreds of soldiers walked between those buildings and stood in those watchtowers. The only ground that remained untouched was the circular rune around the stone relic that was the Seal. And all of this took only week.The shield was the reason they had been able to set up a base in the pit, whereas before they had always scurried through the Breach under cover of night, running up the spiraling sides of the Sealed Grounds as quickly as possible. It had been the only way to escape the Sheikah arrows and spells that were otherwise pelted down on them.

And Ghirahim was the one who had created the shield, the first night he had come to the surface. It reminded him of just how much Releris had destroyed. Sorcerers had always been rare among their people, but there was once a time when Ghirahim's abilities would not have been considered unique. The demon lord noticed some of the other sorcerers watching him from one side of the pit. He gave them a brief wave. I hope they're paying close attention. Someone besides me should learn how to do this. Ghirahim turned his attention back to the shield and finished the reinforcements.

Ferrik returned with the comb just as Girahim finished chanting the spell. He held the item out to Ghirahim, who thanked the guard and quickly combed the leaves and grass out of his still slightly-damp hair.

"I think I'm done here, now," Ghirahim said. "And as fun as this temporary foray back into the real world has been, I do believe a permanent sense of reality is the goal. Which requires my exposure to the shiny, shiny sun." He looked sullenly up at the gloomy clouds he had created.

Ferrik looked unhappy. "My lord, if I could have a private word with you first?" The younger guard flashed Orynx a dark look.

Ghirahim sighed. "If you wish. I suppose I could-" the demon lord stopped short when he saw the bright flash of blue light appear on the other side of the pit, directly in front of the Sheikah temple. Soldiers began yelling orders in the pit, and hands pointed towards the bright light on the other side. At first Ghirahim thought the Sheikahs were readying some sort of magical blast on the shield, but then the light dimmed and on the other side stood—a woman of some sort. Ghirahim sharpened his eyesight until he could see the figure on the other side clearly. She was half blue, half purple, and winged. Her body seemed to shine with a pearlescent, otherworldly light.

"Who is that?" Ghirahim asked.

Orynx and Ferrik both unsheathed their swords. "I don't know," Orynx said. "We should assume that whoever or whatever she is, she is allied with the Sheikah."

Ghirahim tilted his head. "Something about her magic—seems familiar." In fact, something about the other figure's magic mirrored his own, but Ghirahim couldn't quite define for himself what it was.

The figure rose from the ground and danced gracefully over the shield until she hovered directly over the center of it. Then, she abruptly moved downward with great speed, the tip of one foot smashing into the shield. To Ghirahim's horror, the shield shattered into pieces.

The woman propelled herself into the pit, then, toppling towers and tearing through the wooden buildings and cloth tents.

The demon lord felt anger begin to burn inside him. He called down a lightning bolt on the figure. When the dust around her cleared, Ghirahim gaped. She was completely unharmed. Looking around in an unconcerned manner, she continued to attack the camp.

He tried to think of another attack, but there was nothing else he could focus well enough to hit such a swiftly moving target without likely taking down many of his own soldiers as well. And he sensed something of her power, something that told him that his sword was no threat to her.

The anger Ghirahim had felt was replaced by fear. He had to do something! "Stop! Stop! I call a truce!" he yelled down the pit.

Orynx growled. "Don't attract its attention! That thing can't possibly understand you. I'm sure it's just a construct-some type of automaton, or weapon-" he trailed off as the figure lighted over the air directly in front of them. Orynx growled and pointed the Unbreakable Sword at her.

Ignoring the two guards who threatened her, she faced Ghirahim. "Who are you?" Her voice had a strange, ethereal quality to it, as if it were made from the sounds of musical instruments.

Ghirahim took a deep breath to calm himself. "I am Lord Ghirahim, ruler of the Lower Realms and the Surface. If I may ask, who are you?"

The woman tilted her head. "My designation is Fi."

Ghirahim gave her a forced smile. "Do you work for the Sheikah, Fi? Why have you attacked us?"

"The Sheikah are the second defense. I am the first. I do not answer to them any more than they would to me. I attacked you because I am the first defense."

"Second and first defense?" Ghirahim asked, feeling perplexed. "Defense for what?"

"For who," Fi corrected. "I answer only to my Master or Hylia herself. I am tasked to defend Hylia and all of her people."

Understanding dawned on Ghirahim, the pieces he had read from many different tomes suddenly coming together. "You are the spirit of her sword."

Fi nodded. "Affirmative."

Orynx had been half right, then. She was a weapon. And a very dangerous one at that. Still, it is clear that she understands what I am saying quite well. Another thought occurred to Ghirahim as well, given his own situation. "Were you always a sword spirit?"

"Irrelevant question." Fi's tone took on a hint of impatience. "You say you are the ruler of the demons. But you have addressed yourself to me as a lord. Where is the King?"

Ghirahim shook his head. "The Demon King has been dead for nine years now. I am the ruler of the demons."

Fi was silent for several long moments. "This is—unexpected...ah, I see."

"You see what?"

"Irrelevant question," Fi said. "Are you willing to surrender and permanently re-enter the seal? I will cease my attacks if you agree to do this."

Ghirahim considered this ultimatum. There is obviously no way I can accept her terms, but if refuse her outright, I fear she will destroy us. Where did she come from, and why did she wait until now to appear?

"You ask more than I can offer," Ghirahim said. "Here is what I will agree to-If you will pledge to not attack us, I will agree not to kill any of the people you protect, provided they are not trying to kill us."

Fi placed a hand on her chin. "The protection of innocents comprises 60% of my priority set. Does this agreement only extend to you, or does it extend to all of your soldiers?"

"You seem a very technical person, so allow me to clarify—it only extends to me, but that also applies to any orders I give. I will remind you that I am the ruler of the demons, so I think that is not a small concession by any means."

"Your reminder is unnecessary. I do not forget any information I acquire. Please allow me to process your offer."

Ghirahim gave a small bow. "Of course."

Fi placed both of her wings above her head and strange characters made of light appeared there. Her eyes looked upward, apparently searching through the characters. Ghirahim didn't recognize them as being from any language he was familiar with. None of the Hylian texts he owned had any characters of those kind in them.

Finally she lowered her wings to her sides and said. "With one addition, I would agree to accept your terms."

Ghirahim tilted his head. "I'm listening."

"I am a sword. I cannot make any agreements about what my sword form will do—that is decided by my Master." She spread her wings. "However, I am permitted to make this agreement for the form you see before you now. I will not attack you or any other demons in this form, if you will agree that you will not kill any of those I protect that do not try to kill you or any other demons. Should anything happen to you, I will make your successor the same offer. Is this agreeable?"

"And what of the Sheikahs?" Ghirahim asked. "Can you also ask them if-"

"Inadvisable—the Sheikahs do not like me. Your chances would be marginally better if you asked them yourself, although I would still predict a 99.5% chance of failure."

Ghirahim was strongly tempted to ask why the Sheikahs felt such a strong dislike for her, but suspected this would be classified as an 'irrelevant question'.

"What about your master? Or Hylia? Can you ask-?"

"I will relay our agreement to them, but they will not be bound by it. Only I will be bound by this agreement, and only in this form. Do you agree?"

"Could you allow me some time to speak with a few others here?"

Fi gave a single nod.

Ghirahim turned to Orynx and Ferrik. "Do you think I should accept?" he asked quietly.

"Yes," Orynx said immediately. "I don't like it, but yes."

Ferrik grimaced. "Do we have a choice? I think she'll slaughter us if we don't."

Ghirahim wrote some names on a scrap of paper. "Ferrik, go explain what we have discussed to these five and report back with their responses."

Ferrik nodded. "Yes, my lord."

Ghirahim looked back at Fi. She glanced at the rapidly retreating Ferrik before turning her pupil-less gaze back to the demon lord. "If I may ask, how did you become ruler of the demons?"

"I did not know you possessed curiosity," Ghirahim said. "You seem to discourage it in others."

"Information is important to me," Fi said.

"Well, I suppose it cannot hurt to tell you, particularly since I know your master is the Sky Hero. You can tell him that he fights the one who defeated the Demon King." Ghirahim leaned closer. "You can tell him that he is late."

Fi made a sound like an orchestra playing. "Interesting. Your attempt at intimidation has been recorded for future analysis of your psychological state."

Ghirahim gave her an amused smile. "Why, I did not know you had a sense of humor, either." When Ferrik returned, Ghirahim looked over the responses. There were four no's and one yes. Ghirahim sighed. He turned to Fi. "I accept the conditions."

Fi nodded. "I will hold you to that." She raised her wings and sang in a voice that sounded like flutes. Ghirahim saw a light form briefly around them both.

"What was that?"

"Either of us will know immediately if the other has broken their half of the agreement." She lowered her wings.

Ghirahim could tell that her words were truthful, which surprised him even more. The spell would be useful, even to him. He could tell if something spoken directly to him was an attempt at deception, but not if someone changed their mind about their intent later. "You are a very honorable opponent, to give me the same benefit you have given yourself."

"Honor has nothing to do with it," Fi said. "I predict that you will be 80% more likely to hold to your end of the agreement, if you know that I am holding to mine."

"Clever, then," Ghirahim said.

Fi only tilted her head. "We will meet again. Do not forget our bargain." She disappeared in a flash of light.

"What a curious person," Ghirahim said. He sighed as he saw the door to the Sheikah temple opening. "It looks like I won't be getting any more sunshine today. This turn of events has certainly left me with a strong desire for bloodshed." Raining lightning down on the Sheikahs who had exited the temple, he chuckled as he watched them scatter back towards the door. "And since our friends here seem determined to kill us, I see no reason not to return the favor."