Set in an AU where Ghirahim rises from the lowly Fool of the Demon King Releris to the ruler of all the Lower Realms. But as the demon lord tries to destroy the Seal and take the sunlit lands of the surface for the demons, he encounters resistance...

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A/N: Legend of Zelda and all related characters are copyright Nintendo.

Summary: Skyview Temple.

Chapter  8 : Desecration

As the demon contingent walked through the forest, Ferrik moved from his position behind Ghirahim, wandering to his right side. "My lord?"

The demon lord turned his gaze to Ferrik. "Yes?"

"There is something I wished to discuss with you."

"Go on," Ghirahim said.

His face lined with concern, the guard leaned forward and whispered, "I don't think you can trust Orynx, my lord."

Ghirahim's eyes lit up, a smile of amusement appearing on his face. "Because of course the first thing one does if they wish to betray you is save your life. Ferrik, the sorcerer told me that if either of you had not been there yesterday, I would have died. Orynx told the sorcerer, practically step-by-step, how to do the healing spell."

"I remember," Ferrik said quietly. "And I think he must find you useful. But he is not loyal to you."

"Yes, I know," Ghirahim said.

Ferrik's eyes widened in surprise. "You—know?" He looked surprised. "My lord, I also found out that he was instrumental in Releris's rise to power—"

"I know that too."

"Oh." Ferrik seemed unsure what to say. "I guess I—don't understand."

Ghirahim gave Ferrik a wide smile. "Ferrik, I possess the Shard of Truth. There are a great many things I know about anyone who has ever spoken to me for any length of time. I must ask my questions carefully, but they can tell me everything I need to know about a person, if I ask the right ones."

Ferrik seemed to deflate, his sharply pointed ears lowering. "I suppose you must have your reasons for trusting him, then. I apologize for wasting your time, my lord."

"On the contrary, I am glad you have told me your concerns." Ghirahim said. "Your mutual enmity with him did not go unnoticed, and I was quite curious about your reasons."

"I'm sorry, my lord. But I don't think I could ever like Orynx."

Ghirahim chuckled. "Good."

Ferrik's forehead wrinkled, and his eyes widened. "Good?"

"Yes. Orynx would take merciless advantage of you if you liked him. And it is nice to have one guard who is fully loyal to me."

Ferrik perked up at this encouragement. "Thank you, my lord."

The demon lord noticed that the half of the contingent in front of him had stopped. He came to a halt not far behind them. A demon came running to him from the front. "My lord! We have arrived at the temple!"

Ghirahim rubbed his hands together eagerly. "How exciting! Let's see this domain of the Goddess." He walked to the front of the column of soldiers. Before him stood an immense building. Ghirahim turned to the soldiers behind him. "Please stand back, everyone."

The soldiers looked at each other uneasily and backed away. Ferrik nodded reluctantly, and moved to stand at the front of the contingent. Ghirahim walked up the steps of the temple and reached out towards the door. Green lightning crackled from the jewels on the door and connected with his arm. The demon lord laughed, pulling his arm away. "That tickled." Really? Trying to dissuade me with Storm-magic?He turned toward the soldiers and held out his arms. "It looks like this temple objects to our very presence. It won't allow us to enter." He paused. They all appeared to be watching him closely, so he continued. "Which means I'll just have to desecrate it first." He turned back around to face the door and placed his right palm on it. With his left hand, he stroked his gloved fingers down the side of it, collecting angry green lightning in them as he leaned in close and whispered an incantation to loosen the door.

The door abruptly shifted, then split into two halves and opened inward.

He turned again and gave his soldiers a lopsided grin. "Look, it likes us now! So, let's do some sightseeing! Pillaging encouraged!"

Several of the soldiers chuckled at the last part. Ghirahim was pleased by this. He didn't want them too terrified to fight, and he could see they looked less tense now. Many of them were very superstitious when it came to temples—there were so many stories, told to them since childhood, about the many horrible things that would happen if a demon dared enter one. Ghirahim had taken the time to look up some of the superstitions, to see if they had any basis in fact, but had determined that most of them involved usages of magic that were both absurd and impossible. The rest had been heavily exaggerated. If putting on a bit of a show could help dispel those fears, he was more than willing to do so. Of course, he also still enjoyed entertaining an audience.

Ghirahim entered the temple first, Ferrik and the soldiers filing in after him. The demon lord could sense that Hylia was close. He moved forward at a brisk pace. The temple was overgrown—filled with mushrooms, small pools of water, logs, and ridiculously large spiders. It had practically become more a cave than a temple, reminding him a bit of the Lower Realms, except for the sunlight filtering in through the cracks in the ceiling. As they moved through the rooms of the building, Ghirahim felt a sense of anticipation build in him. They were close—so close!

Then Ferrik said, "My lord? The door ahead of us appears to be locked."

Ghirahim stopped. The enormous door was decorated with a multitude of designs and had an oddly shaped lock. Ghirahim reached out to touch the door. And was driven back with a painful blast of white light.

"My lord!" Ferrik ran up to him. "Are you all right?"

Ghirahim rose with a growl. "I'm perfectly fine, yes. This door uses rather more powerful magic than the other did, that's all." He turned around. "If you could all look for a key? I can sense the Goddess on the other side of this door!"

The soldiers and Ferrik began moving around the temple searching for a key to the door, some even moving into the other rooms to search. Ghirahim waited with growing impatience. Finally, he motioned towards his guard. "Ferrik, come here."

Ferrik approached the demon lord. "Yes, my lord?"

"By the time we find the key, who knows where the Goddess and her Sheikah guards will have gone? I do not know why they came here, but if they sense us here, they will surely leave. I need to get into that door. Will you guard the outside for me? I'm going to have to go in by myself."

Ferrik nodded, his expression apprehensive. "Of course, my lord. But how will you get in without the key?"

Ghirahim gave him a small smile. "I don't need keys." Then he teleported into the room.

The demon lord stood right on the other side of the door. In the center of the ornately decorated room stood a single Sheikah woman and the girl he had met the previous day. Both of them looked over at him as he appeared, their eyes wide with surprise.

Ghirahim gave the girl a brief bow. "Zelda, so good to see you again."

The Sheikah woman bent into a defensive stance.

"Lord Ghirahim?" Zelda said, sounding uncertain. "You're alive? I thought—when that boy stabbed you-"

"Yes, that was rather rude of him. But reports of my untimely death have been greatly exaggerated. It was close, but I survived."

Zelda smiled. "That's good. I'm glad you're okay."

"As am I," the demon lord said, returning her smile. He really did like her—she didn't seem anything like the Hylia described in the histories. He wondered idly when the Sheikah woman would attack. "I've been looking for you, you know. To fulfill my end of our agreement."

Zelda's smile faltered. "Oh." She glanced over at the Sheikah woman and back to him. "The Sheikahs have a way to return me back to my home, too. But they asked me to help them, so I can't go back yet."

Ghirahim glanced over at the Sheikah woman, and then back at Zelda. "Oh. I see. Did they happen to explain to you exactly how you would be helping them?"

"Well, I need to-"

The Sheikah woman held out her hand. "Your Grace, you must not tell him what we discussed."

"But, Impa-"

"Remember what I told you about the demons, Your Grace. He must not know."

Zelda went silent, looking down at the floor.

"You are her only guard?" Ghirahim asked. "I thought you Sheikahs valued your Goddess more than that."

The Sheikah woman stood to her full height. "I will be more than enough, Demon Lord. I sense that you are weakened from Vinir's attack."

Ghirahim drew his sword. "My strength is enough to handle one Sheikah. I will only ask you this once. Hand over the girl, and no one here need be harmed."

"My answer is no," Impa said.

"Please! Don't do this!" Zelda said, her face distraught.

Don't look at the girl, Ghirahim reminded himself. He kept his eyes on the Sheikah woman.

"Your Grace, please do as I instructed you earlier. I will meet with you shortly," Impa said, her impassive face watching Ghirahim. She moved into a crouch.

As Zelda ran towards the far door, Ghirahim teleported in front of her. As he reached out to touch Zelda's shoulder and teleport them both, he felt a kick in his side, moving him out of range of the girl. That Sheikah woman was fast! He slashed his blade out towards her as she came at him again in a flurry of kicks and blows.

"Zelda! Go to the spring!" Impa yelled.

Ghirahim jumped back to his feet, his sword slashing out at Impa, but she was a blur again. He teleported around the room randomly, trying to disorient her, but she seemed to be able to zero in on his location almost instantaneously. Ghirahim knew many tricks for besting a person who favored kicks and blows with a sword—it was not usually difficult. But he knew none of those strategies were going to work for someone this impossibly fast.

For the first time that day, the demon lord felt fear. He wanted to retreat, but his intense desire to fill his blade with blood overrode this instinct. "What are you?" Ghirahim asked in dismay as he blocked a kick with his sword. He slashed out at her as she pulled her leg away, but she rolled away before he could even nick her. Impa barked a short laugh and smirked at him.

Then in a blur she moved to the left. He turned but didn't see her there. Where was she? No one should be able to do this to him! Then he felt hands clench around his neck from behind him. He dropped his sword as he tried to pry her iron grip off of his neck. He clawed at the hands that were cutting off his air supply. Then his second instinct kicked in and he teleported away from her. Teleporting randomly until he caught his breath, he then dissolved his form without reforming his physical presence. This was trickier than regular teleporting, but he needed time to finish the plan that was forming in his mind.

"Congratulations," he said, projecting his voice throughout the room. Impa stood completely still, not even bothering to look around her. Ghirahim guided his disembodied gaze to examine the Sheikah woman as if he were walking a circle around her. "You have earned my undying hatred, Impa of the Sheikahs. I will make your death slow and painful."

"Will it be as slow as you move in a fight?" Impa said.

"Such a stinging insult," the demon lord said, his consciousness moving toward the door Zelda had run through. It was closed now, and glowing faintly. When he prepared to teleport through it, he was stopped by a feeling of nothingness on the other side. Ghirahim did not know what would happen if he teleported into that abyss, but he doubted he would reach the other room that way. He turned his attention back towards the Sheikah woman. "Still, I do appreciate a sense of humor. We'll see if I can't try to be quicker in killing you, as a courtesy for amusing me."

"Are you planning to rain your empty threats down upon me? Will you continue to cower in this air-form of yours? Or shall we finish our fight? I grow bored of this idle talk."

Ghirahim sighed, causing a breeze to pick up in the room. "Sadly, you leave me no choice but to play this game with you. I, too, find it boring. But you shall have to make your move eventually, and then, yes, I will finish you."

Impa only shook her head. "I don't have time for this." Then she walked briskly to the door. Ghirahim watched in increasing anticipation. Until she passed right through it like a ghost.

Cursing, he immediately teleported back into the room and picked up his blade. Stalking to the door, he slashed at it fiercely. Each blow produced a flash of light from the door. But when he stopped to take a breath, he realized the blade hadn't even scratched it. Scowling, he prepared to hit the door with his blade again when he heard footsteps and felt a familiar presence behind him. The demon lord felt his mood change to one of amusement. He dissolved his sword in a flash of black diamonds.

"Look who it is," he said. He turned around to face Link, gratified to see the look of utter shock on his face. He saw that the Sky Hero was wearing an entirely green suit this time, complete with an unusual flowing cap. He had some sort of shield on his back and carried a different sword from the last time the demon lord had seen him. Ghirahim also noted the chainmail peeking out from underneath the elf's long tunic. He looks even better in that than he looked last time.

He tilted his head, an alarming thought suddenly occurring to him. "How did you get past my soldiers, Sky Hero?"

A figure jumped out of his sword at that moment. "I will note that he killed none of them," she said in her musical voice. "But many are unconscious, and my Master has also restrained the one you had guarding the door."

Ghirahim raised an eyebrow. "Ah, Fi. We meet again. I am curious, though. I assume you told him about our agreement?"

Fi nodded. "That is correct."

"But as I recall, you stated that the Sky Hero would not be a part of it."

"Incorrect," Fi stated. "I said he would not be bound by it. But his actions have significance to your half. I trust this explanation has made it clear why that is so?"

Ghirahim considered her words for a moment, and grinned. "I see. Clever." He looked back towards Link, his whimsical mood returning. "So, you have not tried to kill a single demon. Which means I must try not to kill you, to avoid the wrath of your sword." Fi returned to her blade, apparently satisfied that he understood her warning.

He turned back towards the door. "Of course, I am a bit busy right now. Your friend is right beyond this door, you see, and I need to talk to her. You may wait here if you like, and after I open it, you may see her again."

He heard the sound of the sword sliding out of its sheath. It was an irresistible music to him.

"Did you really just draw your sword?" He turned around. Oh, my. Hlooks even handsomer with that fierce scowl on his face. But should not be thinking such things about my mortal enemy. Then again,he has not yet done anything to earn him my wrath. Ghirahim spread his arms. "It would be a mistake to think you could fight me, Sky Hero. You know, I just talked with her, with Zelda?" He saw Link's expression soften at the mention of her name. "Just a few minutes ago. She is always a delight to talk with. If everything had gone as planned, perhaps you would have even already met with her as we left."

The demon lord felt rage grow in the pit of his stomach, thinking back on the Sheikah's interference. She had humiliated him and then dismissed him as if he were of no consequence!

"But all did not go as planned." He lowered his head, clenching and unclenching his fingers. His magic scattered the light in the room and changed the colors erratically. It was a small loss of control, one he had never bothered to correct since it happened only rarely and was harmless. "That loathsome servant of the Goddess snatched her away. Do you know how that makes me feel inside?" He growled in frustration. "Furious! Outraged!" He snarled and bared his teeth. "Sick with anger!" The demon lord felt a sudden overwhelming desire to run the elf in front of him through with his sword. The blood of Hylia's chosen delicious...the sword remembers...I remember... Afraid he might act on the sudden impulse, he disappeared in a flash of yellow and red diamonds, diffusing his consciousness out of his physical form.

"I must warn you, this turn of events has left me with a strong desire for bloodshed." the demon lord's voice echoed through the room. He saw, with the eye of his consciousness, the boy turn to his left, then to his right, trying to find his adversary. Ghirahim couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped him as he noticed that the Sky Hero's sword was shaking slightly as the frightened elf waved it through the air. Feeling calmer, the demon lord materialized behind the Sky Hero and padded slowly up to him. He leaned his head over the elf's shoulder, and noted with satisfaction that the Sky Hero's back had stiffened. Ghirahim had never been this close to Link. The delicious scent he had caught the previous day was much stronger now. Although he knew it was simply the way the sword's magic had chosen to mark the elf, it wasn't from anything Ghirahim recognized. But it was definitely something...edible. Strangely, it wasn't making him feel bloodthirsty at all. Well. At least I feel less like killing him now. Ghirahim felt a wave of relief wash over him. Sometimes frighten even myself, truly.

"Still, it hardly seems fair to take all of my anger out on you," Ghirahim said quietly. "And so I promise up front not to murder you." Happy, Fi? The demon lord smiled serenely. "But it seems I may have to beat you senseless to discourage you from your current mischief. Stay away from my soldiers and do not challenge me, Sky Hero." His long tongue flicked out, tasting Link's fear in the air. Abject terror.Delicious.

To Ghirahim's great astonishment, however, Link ran only a few feet away before turning around and facing him with his sword. Here stands the great Sky Hero, determined to fight despite his terror. Socourageous, and yet so incredibly, terribly outmatched. Ghirahim laughed and dissolved his cape. He thought it might have gotten a bit scuffed in the last battle and he didn't want to be cleaning bits of Sky Hero off of it as well.

Link ran towards him, slashing with his sword. Ghirahim caught the sword in midair between two of his fingers. He gave Link a small smile. "What a fun game."

Link pushed the sword harder, gritting his teeth with the effort. Ghirahim effortlessly pulled the sword out of the Sky Hero's hand and examined it. "This is one of the best swords I have ever encountered," he said, impressed by the balance and lightness of it, and by the razor sharp edge to the blade. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised, given what he knew of the blade, but he felt a sense of awe regardless. He waved it through the air to test its movement. "A pity its chosen wielder is a complete novice." He looked up at Link, who had run to the wall of the circular room and was holding up his shield. His wooden shield. Ghirahim laughed uncontrollably, looking between the sword he had taken and the shield Link held up at him.

"You are pairing a sword of this caliber with a shield like that? Where did you get that thing, Sky Hero? A toy shop?"

Link's expression changed to one of indignation, sending Ghirahim into another fit of laughter. It took him some time to regain his composure, but he wasn't worried about his weaponless adversary.

"Oh, I apologize. That was unkind of me." The demon lord smiled. He shook his head slowly. "This is going to be a very dull fight if you can't get your sword back. Here, let me help." He threw the sword at Link's shield, shattering the wood into pieces.

Link cried out as he dropped the fragmented remains of the shield. His right hand had been sliced with the sword. He picked the sword up nimbly in his left hand and held it towards Ghirahim.

"Note that I made sure not to get your sword hand," Ghirahim said. "You need practice, Sky Hero!" The demon lord eyed the blood on Link's right hand with interest. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. NowI want his blood again.

Link charged at Ghirahim and once again, Ghirahim caught the sword between two fingers. This time he pushed the sword with more force, and Link moved back towards the wall. Link yanked the sword out of his hand and unexpectedly slashed the demon lord's left side. Ghirahim hissed and licked his lips. He used a small bit of his magic to heal the wound to his side. Unfortunately, he still had blood on his jumpsuit.

Ghirahim pulled his long black sword from the air. "How inconsiderate!" He motioned towards the bloodstain on his suit. "I just cleaned this thing! Still, not bad—I should have been paying more attention. But let me show you the proper way to do this." He snapped, and a line of daggers appeared in the air. Sparing a small amount of concentration to spin them as they floated through the air, he said, "First, let's see if you can hit these." Then he sent them at Link. He wasn't worried they would do any serious harm to the Sky Hero. They were performer's blades—real-looking enough, but made entirely of wood. He smiled as Link hit his sword against three of the blades, wincing as the fourth hit his arm. He gave the blade a surprised glance before turning back to face the demon lord. Probably wondering why it only nicked him.

"Tsk, tsk. That was really a simple one, just a line. I could've made it a lot harder."

Link ran at him and slashed. Ghirahim teleported behind him. Link turned and the demon lord jumped backwards as the sword sliced at him. Link ran towards him, forcing him towards the wall. Ghirahim teleported again, this time to the center of the room. "That was fun. You're actually not too bad, for a beginner. But I really don't have the time to keep this lesson up for you right now."

He ran at Link, and his sword slashed in a blur against the Sky Hero's blade. The force sent Link flying through the air. With a cry of pain, he crumpled to the floor near the wall.

Ghirahim approached the elf, who wasn't moving. Was I really that forceful in hitting himConcerned, he bent down to examine the Sky Hero. He noted the rise and fall of Link's chest. He is still breathing.Good. It wouldn't do to destroy such harmless opposition only to have Fi rise from her sword to wreak her vengeance. He gently pushed open the lid of one of Link's eyes and noted how the eye had rolled back into his head. Definitely unconscious, though. He released the eyelid, which slid back down over Link's he examined the wound on Link's hand, which was still bleeding profusely. Why are you sofragile, Sky Hero? How would you have survived, if I had really wanted you dead? Ghirahim's hand twitched as he placed it directly above Link's. want to taste that blood so badly...He steeled himself and healed the wound. There. Now, I need to keep you from trying to interfere in my plans and getting yourself killed.

He scooped the elf up in his arms, surprised by how light he was. Ghirahim took one last look at the golden door and sighed. There was no way he could get in-perhaps he could wait for them to come out? Only he could no longer sense Hylia's presence beyond the door, or anywhere in the vicinity. Somehow, she had left some other way. Turning away from the golden door, he walked back to the other door. It had closed, so Ghirahim teleported back to the other side.

"My lord!" Ferrik said. His entire body was blanketed in spider silk, and he was propped sideways against the wall.

"How did you get in such a predicament, Ferrik," the demon lord asked.

"Well-" He looked over at the elf Ghirahim was carrying. "The Sky Hero was standing on one of those enormous spiders, my lord—and I was trying to disable this awful flying mechanical contraption of his-"

"I see." Ghirahim tsked. "That was careless of you, Ferrik. You should always concentrate on the main threat." He looked at the unconscious elf he held. "If this one can even be called a threat, that is."

Ferrik's face fell. "I'm sorry, my lord. I failed you."

"Apology accepted, Ferrik," Ghirahim said. He shifted the elf to briefly hold him with one arm and tapped the silk wrapped around Ferrik. The spider silk dissolved into yellow diamonds.

Ferrik shook his limbs out and then bowed. "Thank you, my lord." He looked curiously at the Sky Hero. "Did you slay him? Only, I don't see any large wounds-"

"He is merely unconscious. I am taking him as a hostage. Since he has killed no demons, we must not kill him under any circumstances."

"Oh. I see." Ferrik glared sullenly at the elf. "That's a shame. My lord, perhaps you could allow me to interrogate him? Kill and make suffer are two different things, after all."

Ghirahim gave his guard a sharp look. "He will not be harmed in any way. I have other plans for him."

"Oh," Ferrik said, ducking his head again. "I'm sorry, my lord. I—I would never wish to interfere with your plans."

The words grated across the demon lord's consciousness. "Ferrik, that was a lie."

Ferrik looked up at him, his eyes wide. "I—I'm sorry! I would never do such a thing. But you are right—I was thinking that I wanted the Sky Hero to suffer. I was wishing—for that. But I will not act on those wishes! I am completely loyal to you."

"Good," Ghirahim said. "I have a task for you, Ferrik."

"Yes, my lord?"

"Extract all of my soldiers from the temple and march them back to the Sealed Grounds. Hylia and her guardian have gone from this place."

"As you command, my lord," Ferrik said. "What about you?"

"I'll go ahead of you to make sure the Sky Hero is properly secured." With a snap of his fingers, Ghirahim teleported both himself and Link out of the temple.