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"My gongzi is a fool!" Luo Qingyang bursts out as soon as they're alone in her tent. "How can he look at someone so kind and lovely and skilled and—”

Jiang Yanli laughs softly. "It's a good thing we're not engaged then. I can spend time with someone who appreciates me."


Originally published here in a shorter form in response to la_dissonance's prompt.

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 30540654.

Relationship Type
Genre: Romance
Relationship Type: F/F
Language: English

"My gongzi is a fool!" Luo Qingyang bursts out as soon as they're alone in her tent. "How can he look at someone so kind and lovely and skilled and—”

Jiang Yanli laughs softly. "It's a good thing we're not engaged then. I can spend time with someone who appreciates me."

"You mean..." Luo Qingyang leans closer, as if unable to help herself, and then hesitates.

Jiang Yanli kisses her, a swift press of lips. She retreats after only a moment, face flushed, eyes uncertain. Luo Qingyang takes both of Jiang Yanli's hands in hers and kisses her once more.