Gibson surveys the evidence of his recreational activities as he readies himself to serve.

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or: anything that can go wrong in your tentative courtship of a miserable ginger vigilante, will. The first time Dan sees Rorschach without his mask, it doesn't go so hot.

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For hours, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have walked with little words and less hurry, and the peace rakes itself down Wei Wuxian’s back like an itch baiting a scratch.

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If you can't stand the heat, get Primo out of your kitchen.

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[info]thefourthvine wrote, "I want the story where someone sits down and thinks that, and lists every single person in the canon (probably in some kind of database, with numerical codes and assigned weights for each category and stuff) and weighs all the pros and cons and finally, after a lot of careful deliberation, selects a candidate for the position of Significant Other."

This is the first step in that process.

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For the prompt of Adrian being a big nerd, him being a small nerd about something that isn't Egypt or Alexander for once. When Adrian Veidt is twelve years old, he discovers Homer's Iliad.

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