This time, Hannibal picks the venue, and Will hunts him down gladly.
In Florence, Bedelia du Maurier considers her position.
Cornelius Hickey has no respect for God nor man nor the poor dude who has to run the Taco Bell drive-through.
Written for #BangMasFest 2k23.
Johnny goes to Mexico, and there's one more Ex-President.
Billy and Eddie do business in the fall of 1984.
Everybody's got to learn the way the world really is. Billy's just teaching her.
Ammit consecrates her avatar to herself.
Bad things happen to Billy Hargrove.
Galen Erso’s work team has been out of communication on a desolate planet for three days. Orson Krennic wants to get him back. He wants Lyra Erso to help him do it.