Horatio performs one last labor, and considers what's set before him.
Aumerle doesn't seek absolution.
Young Richard looks too deeply into the workings of chance.
Near misses in the Greek tutorial.
He was only looking, and not with love.
Loki has let go. Loki is falling.
Richard is witness to many things he does not understand during his first year at Hampden.
Varys has a game he plays with himself, to keep his wits sharp.
Written for this Norsekink prompt, requesting first period!fic for a male-identified young Loki, and mothering!Frigga. "Everyone's going to notice--"
Written for a Halloween-spookiness prompt at the Watchmen kink meme. Adrian has a Classical problem. And so do I.
Work: Pack Mentality [podfic] by
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Lovely Leverage "team as family" vibes podfic