At the end of the day, you've just got to say
It's all right
Jerry’s house has many rooms.
(For manzanas-amargas, the AU where Carl, Ryan, and Andrew are inept paranormal investigators.)
"Tell me, sirs, was it not bravely done?"
Withnail is a rare kind of creature and Marwood is still young enough to think this is a good thing.
Author summary from Sevidri:
Dick and Jason have a run-in with a sorceress. Things take a turn for the unexpectedly horrifying..
Duration 0:16:03
Wen Ning recognizes what is happening. He is being confessed to. This happens to him, sometimes. There is something about him that makes people tell him secrets, although he doesn't think he does anything to encourage this. His sister used to say he had trust-worthy proportions, which people could naturally see. Since she had never read his fate in his face, this doesn't seem too reliable.
Wen Ning encounters Lan Xichen, and they discuss trees. A secret is shared.
Plagueis and Palpatine lose their tiny Sith Apprentice during a vacation to Yavin IV, and now must search for him.
A podfic of Cleaning Up by penknife.
Work: Pack Mentality [podfic] by
Rating: 0 stars
Lovely Leverage "team as family" vibes podfic