"Whatever you want," Nathan finds himself saying when his shirt comes off over his head and his glasses hit the nightstand — like he's talking to himself, which he might as well be. "Don't think about it like should, or shouldn't. Don't think. Don't fucking try and figure it out. Come on. You can keep your shirt on."
But thou dost in thy passages of life
Make me believe that thou art only marked
For the hot vengeance and the rod of heaven
To punish my mistreadings.
Peter loses, and Ego patches him up afterward. Okay, this is only going to suck a lot.
Billy and Eddie do business in the fall of 1984.
For the prompt of Adrian being a big nerd, him being a small nerd about something that isn't Egypt or Alexander for once. When Adrian Veidt is twelve years old, he discovers Homer's Iliad.
Edward receives an education in the inutility of virtue. The Earl abducts him for a session of discipline.
Billy and Stu have something to celebrate.
October 14: En route to Varna, Seward must tell a fellow suitor what transpired one night at Hillingham.
Don Draper has a bad habit of throwing money at his problem. His latest problem is Michael Ginsberg.