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- Inspired by this tweet by @PurpleNies

- This is a canon divergence in which Jiang Fengmian died but Yu Ziyuan lived. No, I don't know the circumstances. They don't really matter. 😂

- Thank you, Psiten, for the summary 🫶


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Jiang Cheng attempts to write a letter to Nie Huaisang explaining why his brother is about to receive a proposal for Huaisang to marry into Yunmeng Jiang as Jiang Cheng's consort. Wei Wuxian interrupts, makes guesses as to the identity of Jiang Cheng's future bride, and generally annoys the hell out of Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng doesn’t remember ever actually saying yes, but he is well aware he didn’t say no.

He blames it, in part, on being overwhelmed in the moment by the very idea that was being proposed to him. The matchmakers considered Nie Huaisang, his friend, someone who might potentially be a man’s consort? They considered him a candidate to be his consort? The eldest matchmaker even thought they would be good together, that Huaisang was the best possible match for him? To say the idea came as something of a revelation was an understatement.

Before his brain had quite caught up, the old matchmaker was talking about initial overtures: How to handle this admittedly unusual case. How to approach Chifeng-zun with the idea.

At that point, Jiang Cheng had thought, surely Nie Mingjue will reject this out of hand, right? But meanwhile, maybe he can enjoy a little peace and quiet before having to sort out this mess.

He can always explain things to Nie Huaisang. They’re friends, after all. He’ll probably find it funny. They can have a laugh over it the next time they see each other.

Once Jiang Cheng has time to actually think about it, he decides that the best course of action will be to explain everything to Nie Huaisang before the matchmakers ever reach the Unclean Realm. Jiang Cheng is well aware that Nie Huaisang is better than he is at dealing with people and getting them to do what he wants. He’s very astute, however much he may pretend otherwise. If he knows about this ahead of time, perhaps he'll be able to handle in such a way that it just… is not an issue. Because Jiang Cheng is aware that unraveling the situation could very well become an issue, if not handled with finesse. Finesse that Nie Huaisang has in spades.

And so, that evening, Jiang Cheng takes the time to sit and write a letter to his friend.

The letter is short and to the point:


I mentioned when we last saw each other that my mother intends to see me married. I may have let her believe I'm a cutsleeve to get out of it. Unfortunately, she's now having matchmakers propose male cultivators for my consort. Anyway, one (more?) of them will be arriving at the Unclean Realm soon. Obviously, neither of us wants that, so just say no and that will be the end of it.

Jiang Wanyin”

He resolves to have the letter sent the next day. Via pigeon, perhaps. Huaisang does love to receive letters that way. He waits for the ink to dry, puts it aside, then goes to bed.

And can’t fall asleep. The more Jiang Cheng thinks about it, the more the words he’s written don’t sit right with him.

He gets up, lights a candle, and reads his words back.

"—may have let her believe I'm a cutsleeve—"


"Obviously, neither of us wants that, so just say no and that will be the end of it."

Short and to the point, so much so, that you could call it brusque. Dismissive or rude, even. Nie Huaisang is used to his blunt and often caustic way of speaking, he’s certainly never taken offense before, and yet…

Jiang Cheng thinks back to long days and nights spent together at the Cloud Recesses after Wei Wuxian had left. How close they had become. Certainly, the intervening years, grief, and war had put a certain distance between them, something Jiang Cheng regretted. He missed the easy camaraderie they shared, the fun they had together at the Cloud Recesses. He even missed that during the Sunshot Campaign, they had more occasions to meet and spend time together; Nie Huaisang always made it all seem better, even at the darkest times. But since then, his duties as clan leader of Yunmeng Jiang leave little time for keeping in regular touch with a friend, much less finding opportunities to actually spend time together. Regardless, Nie Huaisang remains one of very few people he considered his friends.

He certainly doesn’t want him to get the impression that Jiang Cheng thinks he isn’t worth marrying because that isn’t true at all. Nie Huaisang is talented, funny, cultured, and intelligent, no matter how hard he tries to hide the last fact, and he’s beautiful too. Anyone that marries him will be lucky to have him. If Jiang Cheng were inclined to marry a man, Nie Huaisang would be perfect.

No, this letter wouldn't do.

Jiang Cheng burns the paper over the candle's flame and resolves to write a different, better letter in the morning.

The next morning, Jiang Cheng gets up at dawn, like he does almost every day, and starts the day training with Sandu in his private courtyard. It's closed on every side except the east, facing a small pond that connects with the larger lake by a canal. The lotus flowers are starting to bloom, and he remembers all the times Nie Huaisang has said he would love to see Lotus Pier. He thinks his friend would love this view. He would probably want to paint it.

After finishing his own, he goes to supervise the clan disciples’ training, and it's only after breakfast that he returns to his study. He kneels in front of his desk, pulls out a blank piece of paper, and tries to think about what this new letter to Nie Huaisang should say.

He's barely managed to write a greeting, when he's interrupted by Wei Wuxian sauntering into his study with absolutely no warning.

"Good morning, Jiang Cheng!" Wei Wuxian exclaims cheerily and much too enthusiastically. He sprawls on the other side of the table and rests his chin on his hand, "I heard the most interesting thing this morning in the market!"

"And I'm sure it can wait until later," Jiang Cheng said, irritated at the interruption. This letter is difficult enough to write as it is without Wei Wuxian’s distractions.

"Hmmm… I don't know about that," Wei Wuxian replies, unfazed by Jiang Cheng's unfriendly tone. He leans across the table conspiratorially. "I heard the matchmakers were back yesterday with a brand-new list!"

Jiang Cheng glares and does not reply.

"But that's not all," Wei Wuxian continues, glancing down at the paper in front of Jiang Cheng. The ink hasn't dried, and so Jiang Cheng hasn't covered it. Nie Huaisang's name is clearly visible. Wei Wuxian's grin widens. "I also heard that a small delegation of them left this morning for Qinghe, escorted by some of our best disciples."

Jiang Cheng resists the urge to cover up the letter. He tells himself he hasn’t actually writing anything yet. Certainly, nothing that would confirm whatever gossip Wei Wuxian has heard.

"That's none of your fucking business!" he retorts, lifting his chin even as he feels his face flush. He tells himself it's anger.

"Don't be like that, Jiang Cheng! Can't I be happy that my shidi has finally found a potential bride?"

Jiang Cheng's eyes widen involuntarily and his pulse races. If Wei Wuxian heard about his proposal to Nie Huaisang in the market, it means everyone knows about it.

"That's why you're writing to Nie-xiong, isn't it?" Wei Wuxian grins, relishing the moment. "He doesn't have any sisters, so which one of his cousins is it? I know some of them. Did he help you choose?"

Jiang Cheng scoffs and leans back, relieved that Wei Wuxian doesn't know the truth of the matter. It means it's not common knowledge.

"What the hell are you doing anyway, gossiping about me in the market?" He tries to shift the topic to Wei Wuxian’s behavior. The first disciple of Yunmeng Jiang shouldn’t be gossiping in the market, not that that’s ever stopped him before.

"I wouldn't have to gossip if anyone had bothered to tell me about it!"

"That's because there's nothing to tell!" He lies, hoping Wei Wuxian will, for once, let it go.

No such luck.

"It must be one of the Nie first cousins from the main line, right? After all, you're a clan leader and that's the closest thing to a sister. I’m sure Yu-furen would insist.” Wei Wuxian taps his finger against his lip thoughtfully.

"Unless…" Wei Wuxian looks back at Jiang Cheng, eyes sparkling as if he's solved a puzzle. "There's that cousin on his mother's side, a couple of years younger than us! She's about as close as an actual human might get to that bullshit list of requirements of yours!" He grins slyly as he leans over the table. "And she's very pretty, she looks a lot like Nie-xiong.”

"What does it matter if she looks like Huaisang?!" Jiang Cheng exclaims, alarmed, and immediately regrets his outburst. Wei Wuxian looks positively giddy.

"Oh, nothing, just that since she looks like Nie-xiong, you must agree she's pretty."

“Why would I—!” Jiang Cheng sputters.

"Come on, Jiang Cheng! I've heard you say Nie-xiong is pretty more than once when you're drunk!"

Jiang Cheng's eyes widen in alarm.

"What? When!" He does not remember saying any such thing.

"At the Cloud Recesses, of course, and a couple of times more recently too," Wei Wuxian informs him smugly. "And it's not like Nie-xiong hasn't heard it, either. You told him so at least once that I remember."

“What! When did I do that? Why would I do that?" Jiang Cheng is mortified.

"You were very drunk, it was the night that Lan Zhan caught me bringing back Emperor's Smile," Wei Wuxian says matter-of-factly, as if that narrows it down. "Anyway, my point is he knows you think he's pretty, and he knows his cousin looks like him. And he knows your dumb list too! It is her, isn't it?"

Jiang Cheng panics, mortified and unable to come up with a retort. He rises to his feet and points at the door, as Wei Wuxian laughs in amused delight.

"Get the fuck out!” He can feel a vein throbbing in his temple.

Wei Wuxian makes a show of sighing and pouting, but he gets up and saunters to the door. "Fine! You can tell me all about what Nie-xiong said to get you so worked up over her later."


Jiang Cheng does not manage to write the letter that day.

He doesn't sleep that second night either. He keeps thinking about what Wei Wuxian revealed so casually this morning. He really has no memory of ever admitting to Wei Wuxian that he thinks their friend is pretty, much less of confessing the fact to Nie Huaisang himself. It's mortifying.

He doesn't really question having said it, however. After all, it is true, he's thought Nie Huaisang was beautiful since they met. It's just objective fact, and not something he'd ever actually say out loud while sober.

He tries to think back to those long ago nights drinking with Nie Huaisang in the room he and Wei Wuxian shared at the Cloud Recesses, but it's been so long ago. He does remember Nie Huaisang staying the night several times, and also thinking how pretty his lightly flushed face looked as he laughed and leaned against Jiang Cheng. How pleasant it was to feel his warmth next to him. But he honestly can't remember ever saying it.

He tries to imagine what Nie Huaisang's reaction might have been. Would he have blushed and looked away? Would he have laughed and said, "You're drunk, Jiang-xiong, go to sleep!"? Could he possibly have said he thought Jiang Cheng was attractive too? Or would he perhaps have been too drunk to remember? After all, he's never mentioned it since.

No, it's too much to hope for that only Wei Wuxian registered and remembered it. He's going to have to assume that Nie Huaisang is well aware of him making an ass of himself.

He really needs to write that letter.


I hope you and your brother are well. It has been a long time since we last spoke, and I have a lot to tell you.

Soon, a delegation of matchmakers will arrive to propose a marriage between you and me. I understand this must come as a shock. I will explain the situation when we see each other, and you will no doubt get a laugh out of the story. Until then, know that while I think you are certainly worthy of marriage, this proposal is a due to an assumption that got out of hand. I value our friendship greatly and hope you don’t take offense. I’m sure Chifeng-zun will dismiss the proposal, and that is the best course of”

"Jiang Cheng!" The voice rings out mere moments before Wei Wuxian himself appears in his study, and Jiang Cheng scrambles to cover the nearly finished letter with other papers.

"What do you want now?" he asks, exasperated. He can see the ink blotting.

"I just spoke to Shijie."

"How nice for you," Jiang Cheng replies sarcastically.

Wei Wuxian ignores his tone and perches on his desk. "I asked her if she knew about your impending betrothal, and she has no idea either!" he says, pointing an accusatory finger at Jiang Cheng's chest, who swats the finger away.

"This again?"

"It's one thing for you and Yu-furen to keep me in the dark, but Shijie too?" Wei Wuxian says, crossing his arms.

"First of all, get off my desk," Jiang Cheng tells him, annoyed, as he pushes Wei Wuxian off his perch. "Second of all, Jiejie just got back from Meishan Yu last night. Third of all, there is nothing to tell."

"Nothing to tell! You've finally found someone you want to marry! Because I know Yu-furen asked your opinion about this—”

"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng sighs, pinches the bridge of his nose. "There's nothing to tell because the Nies will say no."

He stops speaking. He didn't mean to confirm anything.

"So it is one of Nie-xiong's cousins!" Wei Wuxian exclaims triumphantly, before turning a quizzical eye on Jiang Cheng. "Why do you think they'll say no?"

"Get out. I have work to do."

"Is this why you're being so weird about this? You really think they'll say no? Why would any family say no to a marriage with Sandu Shengshou, one of the great heroes of the Sunshot Campaign?” Wei Wuxian actually sounds earnest about this. It makes it worse.

"They just will! I know they will!" He replies, raising his voice.

“It’s ridiculous! It’s an alliance between Qinghe Nie and Yunmeng Jiang, it makes sense! And even outside the political angle, you know Nie-xiong wouldn't suggest you propose to someone who would say no to you. He’s your friend.”

Jiang Cheng can only glare at this.

“Unless he didn't suggest her? Is this why you're writing to him?" Wei Wuxian leans forward and tries to grab the papers in front of Jiang Cheng.

"Out!" Jiang Cheng springs to his feet, slamming his hand on the papers before the other can reach them.

Wei Wuxian takes a step back, raising his hands as if to appease him. "Fine fine! But I really think you're wrong about this." he says as he backs out of Jiang Cheng's study.

Once he's gone, Jiang Cheng sinks back to his knees with a huff. He waits a few moments before gingerly lifting the papers off his letter to Nie Huaisang.

It's mostly legible, but smudged and ruined. He can't send this to Huaisang.

While he burns the letter, Jiang Cheng thinks maybe it's for the best. After all, Wei Wuxian almost read it. Any letter he writes might fall into hands apart from Nie Huaisang's. It's probably a good idea to be more circumspect about what he writes.


A delegation will arrive at Qinghe soon with a proposal. I’m sure Chifeng-zun will reject it, and you need take no action. Please know I value our friendship and you greatly, and mean no offense. I look forward to seeing you again at the next cultivation conference, and I hope you will give me the chance then to explain.

It has been a long time since we saw each other, and while I certainly don’t miss the war, I miss that we had occasion to meet more often.

Jiang Wanyin”

Jiang Cheng reads over his finished letter and sits back, satisfied.

It’s concise, and avoids actually spelling out the situation or mentioning anything incriminating, while providing enough information that Nie Huaisang will certainly figure it out once the delegation arrives. He indicates clearly that his intention is for the proposal to be rejected, and just as importantly, he emphasizes how important Nie Huaisang and their friendship are to him. He hopes the admission that he misses Huaisang will drive that home.

And he’s managed to write it with no interruptions.

He has it sent immediately, since by now the delegation has been traveling for several days and the letter should, of course, arrive before they do.


How will Nie Huaisang react to Jiang Cheng's letter?