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this was originally a thread so please be kind if there are still some mistakes/weird things

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 46324987.

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But then he gets curious and Kirishima leaves his (worn) suit lying around and Bakugō can't help himself but try it on. He tries not to think of how Kirishima's massive balls were just in this very suit as he assesses himself in the mirror. He looks good, not that he expected anything different. He looks good in everything. 


Then he gets a whiff of full on Kirishima, and his pussy pulses before a glob of slick trickles out. 


"Shit, fuck, fucking shit!" 


Bakugō can't get the costume off fast enough. but the damage has been done and there's an obvious wet spot right in the center of the crotch. He uses his finger to try and wipe it away, but all that does is smear the stickiness on the costume and his fingers. 


Then of course there's a knock on his door. 




Of course it's Kirishima. 


"Have you seen my bunny costume? I have to return it and I need to wash it..." 


Bakugō has two choices: act as if he isn't in his dorm room so that Kirishima goes away or answer the door and hand the uniform over and gaslight the fuck out of Kirishima if he brings up the wet spot. 


Naturally, he decides to act as if he's not in his dorm room and holds his breath. Kirishima knocks again, and then things go silent. Bakugō isn't quite in the clear yet so he doesn't breathe a sigh of relief, but he wants to. 


And then the doorknob turns. 


Fucking shit! Bakugō had forgotten to lock the door and also forgot that Kirishima acts as if doors don't exist when he's determined. Bakugō scrambles to put on sweats lying around and tries to hide the bunny suit just as the door swings open. 


"Dude, you didn't hear me knocking?" Kirishima's carmine eyes hold a sheen of hurt and worry, and Bakugō feels a pang in his chest. 


"Mhm," Bakugō grunts, turning his back to Kirishima to walk to his desk, if only to give him something else to focus on. But it seems he's a forgetful little shit because as he walks, slick leaks out of him and smears against the crotch of his sweats.


He hears Kirishima step further into his room and close the door behind them. "Well, have you seen the suit? Aizawa-sensei is collecting them." 


Bakugō takes a deep breath and turns around. Kirishima is already looking at him, and he smiles, flashing those razor sharp teeth and Bakugō feels more slick gush out of his pussy. Fuck!


"No I haven't fuckmunch," he lies, hoping that Kirishima doesn't turn 45 degrees to the left and sees said suit hanging from under his blankets. 


Kirishima rolls his eyes, but laughs good-naturedly. "Just thought I'd ask. I'll see if Kami took it." 


"Why the fuck would pikachu have it?" 


"He said he wanted to try it on, but it's all sweaty from when I wore it earlier, so I said no. But knowing Kami..." 


Kirishima flashes another smile that has Bakugō seriously concerned that a wet spot is forming in the front of his pants, and then he turns to leave Bakugō's room. 


Bakugō finally breathes a sigh of relief. When he leaves I'll wash it and hang it on his door.


When he pulls it out from under covers, he gets a whiff of something musky and the scent of sweat. Usually, Bakugō is very particular about smells. And for some reason, teenage boys think deodorant is a suggestion and not a must. 


But the smell coming from the dirty bunny suit? Bakugō’s never smelled anything like it. He can’t help but bring the garment up to his nose and take a small sniff. 


It's embarrassing how quickly and how much slick gushes out of Bakugō at the smell mixed with something that's just so Kirishima . It's at the point where not doing something about how wet he is, is more troublesome. So, with his free hand, he first touches his nipples. 


They respond immediately to his touch, hardening like fresh rosebuds. Bakugō moans from the tightening sensation and he twists one of his nipples as his pointer finger makes its way to his clit.


The first touch of the little nub sends shivers racing down his spine and his asshole clenches. He rubs a small, slow circle and bites his lip hard to prevent the loud whine that wants to escape. Holding the bunny suit up to his nose again, Bakugō circles his clit faster. 


He's already so close to cumming that he won't even need to finger himself, though he might considering how much slick gushes out of his cunt each time it clenches. There's so much of it he can feel it in his ass crack. 


He stops fingering his clit and brings his fingers to his mouth for more lubrication, tasting himself. He pretends that it's Kirishima's fingers in his mouth. 


The next time he shoves his hand down his pants, he bypasses his engorged clit and heads straight for his weeping cunt. 


The first finger feels like heaven and hell combined. 


He tastes blood from how hard he's biting his lip, yet he can't stop a low moan from leaving his throat. He sounds desperate to his own ears, making him gush around his finger. Bakugō slips in a second finger with a hiss, palming at his tits with his other hand. So close .


The hairs on the nape of his neck tighten and he feels the heat pool to a boiling point in his lower belly. But he's still not close enough. With a whine he reaches for the bunny costume again and buries his face in the crotch. Up close he smells Kirishima but also a little of his own musk from his wearing it before. 


And that's what sends him toppling over the edge. With a loud cry, he cums. It starts in his clit and just as it starts to radiate to the rest of his body, making it hard to stand, the door opens. 

Mid-orgasm, Bakugō is suddenly face to face with Kirishima. Kirishima's eyes move all over him and it's almost like a physical touch. The sensation of being stared at as he cums prolongs his orgasm and slick starts to gush out of him in small waves.