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this was originally a thread so please be kind if there are still some mistakes/weird things

Imported from Archive of Our Own. Original work id: 46324987.

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A wet spot at the front of Bakugō’s sweats is getting larger and larger.

Kirishima has seen a lot of things in his short life– he is training to be a pro hero after all. So, nothing should really surprise him anymore… And yet .


At first he’s not sure what he’s seeing. He knows Bakugō is in front of him but the details come in slowly. 


A wet spot at the front of Bakugō’s sweats is getting larger and larger. 


Most of his abdominals are showing, with the slight view of an erect nipple. 


And the final kicker… His bunny suit


Or, Mirko’s bunny suit that she let him and some of the others borrow for a new year spread that includes some of 1-A. Regardless, the suit is bunched in Bakugō’s shaking hand and pressed to his face, hiding everything but his sapphire eyes. 


“… Bro?” 


And then there was silence. Pregnant with questions, but Kirishima was willing to wait for Bakugō to compose himself and tell him what hell he just walked in on. And even though he knows he should look away (for many reasons, one being his interested dick), he can't. 


Color suddenly blossomed across Bakugō's face, the same shade as his irises. He jerkily throws the bunny suit to the ground and yanks the hand in his pants out. Kirishima's mouth waters at the sight of so much slick coating Bakugō's long fingers. 


I wanna taste…


Kirishima steps forward as if in autopilot and before Bakugō can react, Kirishima's grabbed his wrist and brought the sopping wet hand toward his face. 


"T-T-The hell you doin' shitty haired bast– ah! " Bakugō cuts off with a moan as Kirishima takes one of his soaked fingers into his mouth.


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