It's two years before Ginsberg goes back to Manhattan. Somehow he didn't picture it happening like this.

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By skazka


[info]thefourthvine wrote, "I want the story where someone sits down and thinks that, and lists every single person in the canon (probably in some kind of database, with numerical codes and assigned weights for each category and stuff) and weighs all the pros and cons and finally, after a lot of careful deliberation, selects a candidate for the position of Significant Other."

This is the first step in that process.

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Don Draper has a bad habit of throwing money at his problem. His latest problem is Michael Ginsberg.

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"Don't," he says, thin and strangled — no, not strangled, really. Smothered. The word hardly left his throat at all, and if John hadn't been so close, just about on top of him in an enclosed space, he might never have heard.

(For the Tumblr prompt "things you said while you were driving".)

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All For Show

By imp
