The longer you spend in his company, the less you care about what the answers are.

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This place up in the loft is where Clark goes to be alone, and when Clark had shown him this place, he’d expected him to laugh. Lex had asked him if he often wanted to go where no one else could find him, and also if this was where he went to drink beer.

(The small-town teenage dirtbag AU nobody wanted, prompted by cygnes/manzanas-amargas and the prompt 'things you said that i wish you hadn’t.'.)

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Cover Me Up

By imp


Raleigh likes being handcuffed, Mako likes Raleigh. Porn.

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Buffy and Faith are living it up in Cleveland, over thirty and regularly trying to convince their neighbors they're really just roommates, not "roommates", no matter what Faith wants. Of course, then things get all fucked up, complete with an apocalypse.

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Khonshu and his avatar have a weird little moment on a rooftop. (Not for the first time and not for the last.)

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In a world with timers, counting down to when you meet your soulmate, a lot of different things can happen. Some people choose not to get timers. Some people have gotten more than one, or more than one kind. But Cisco's never heard of one person's going off, while no one else's does. // updates yearly!

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