Later, Holden and Debbie talk Vacaville.
Wherever you go, there you are.
(Written for cygnes and the prompt: "driving for many hours through mountains.")
Two things are unavoidable: death and laundry.
(A take on the bathing scene from '...on the earth, and not on him', from a perspective other than Richard's.)
Interviews with the Louisiana PD, 2012.
August, 1388: Richard II of England has been dead for seven years, and his cousin the Prince of Wales is having a hard time.
Ask meme drabble written for this challenge. Prompt: Tim Hart & Maddy Prior, Bruton Town.
Isabella, future girl-queen of England, receives a visit from a predecessor.
Claudius picks just about the worst possible time to ship his nephew off to England. Hal benefits from the diversion.
Ned and Hal meet again after a battle, in another London street.
John Barwyk has better things to do than wait for a man to die, and yet here he is.
Work: Pack Mentality [podfic] by
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Lovely Leverage "team as family" vibes podfic