Following the tragic and sudden suicide of General Hanazawa, Ogata and Tsurumi debrief.
“They'll have to make a few surgical incisions, of course.” With a single finger of each hand, Tsurumi traced two lines, one across each side of Ogata's face, from the corner of his warped jaw to the centre of his cheek. “You'll still look fetching as ever, I'm sure.”
"Do you plan on getting me out of your way, then? If you’re going to do it, I’d rather not go in my sleep. Or do you just want to fuck?”
In the early days of the Russo-Japanese War, a disciplinary episode results in Sugimoto Saichi being transferred from the 1st to the 7th Division. It doesn't take long to figure out that Russian gunfire might pose him less danger than the tangled web of a unit in which he's ended up.