Bucky accidentally becomes a surrogate brother to half the neighborhood, purely via the power of PBS.

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Diplomatic incidents happen all the time, but not all of them end in marriage. And not all trips to alien planets involve a mysterious killer. Sam and Steve are having all kinds of new experiences lately.

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Sam thinks of that moment when he agrees to go with Steve. He always liked a challenge, and Bucky - who knows about Bucky? Sam's there for Steve, because Steve's brought him more challenges than he's experienced since he became a PJ to begin with. He goes without a second thought.

(Sam backstory with a tiny bit of kissing.)

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Bob could only ever be Bob, but if he wasn't....

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Gerard is dressed like a girl and decides to pay Frank a visit.

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It was always hard with him. You couldn’t get anything of substance by asking for it directly. Taichi had remembered how irritating that could be, but now he felt along with the annoyance a rush of irrational fondness. It was what Taichi used to like about him. What you got out of him, you felt like you earned. Not because you worked for it, but like he’d seen something in you that was hidden from yourself and decided he could humour you for a while. It was probably too much to hope for that he still would.

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The codebreaker comes on board. Rose makes dubious decisions.

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