Sometimes, a girl wants to know she's appreciated.

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A Time Ago

By betty


It's dark, and he's cold.

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Domino is in a tax-related jam. Wade and Cable get married and neither of them remember it.

Lucky Domino. Unlucky love-sick Cable.

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As if the apocalypse is just a stone in the stream of everyone’s lives, something they can easily divert around.

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It started off totally innocently. Totally, one hundred percent, squeaky-clean innocently - or as innocently as anything could be when it involved, well. Sex.

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We Will Be

By imp


Morgana and Gwen fall in love. And then there's a slug. Spoilers through the last ep of S1; thanks to stealstheashes @ LJ for the beta.

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Leverage/Dr Who crossover. Parker and Hardison travel with the Doctor. Set sort of vaguely before the most recent season. Someone on Tumblr posted this and I was so delighted that I had to make it into fic. Thanks to Abby for the beta!

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