As if the apocalypse is just a stone in the stream of everyone’s lives, something they can easily divert around.

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Wild Card

By imp


Charlie's Angel AU. Beyoncé is sent by Mr. Carter's liason, Kanye West, to recruit a third Angel: Lady Gaga.

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Take Care

By imp


Porn. Sex, and then knifeplay and more sex.

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A podfic of "Healing, Serenity, Spirit" by thingswithwings

Title comes from the meanings of the colors on the original Pride flag. Healing, serenity, and spirit seemed like the parts of queer community these two could get together on the most.

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Tybalt decides to make Toby hate him; it backfires, since soon after he has to ask for her help. (Alternate summary: TYBALT THIS IS A TERRIBLE PLAN. Wash, rinse, and repeat.)

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Sometimes Steve and Natasha help each other out. (Pre-Cap2 porn.)

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Sam's had a lot of unexpected experiences and has dealt with a lot of shit. But all of that pales in comparison to what happens when he and Steve find Bucky.

(Or, Sam becomes a part-time therapist, falls in love, and gets some closure. Not necessarily in that order.)

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Finn just wants to keep his head down and prove himself in the Resistance. Unfortunately for him, he also has to deal with Kylo Ren haunting his strangely realistic dreams, accidentally getting General Organa as a teacher, and a spreading stormtrooper rebellion.

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